Wagon set 1 with two double-deck coaches of the railway company of the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Reichsbahn).

Consisting of one 2nd class double-deck coach type DBmue and one 2nd class double-deck control cab coach type DBmq.

■ Control cab coach with white/red light change
■ Suitable for double-deck coach set, item no. 6260042

In 1971, VEB Waggonbau Görlitz delivered two prototypes of the double-deck individual coach to the DR. The double-deck individual coaches were expected to be more flexible in adapting to changing passenger volumes as well as savings in the event of damage. After extensive testing of the two prototypes, an initial series of around 138 vehicles was delivered from 1974. The lower floor of this coach was completely equipped with seats. It was first used in the southern urban centres and routes with high traffic volumes.

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